Super Smash Brothers Melee- A Guide And Hints for Super Smash Brothers Melee
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I will be getting an event guide up soon for super smash brothers melee. E-mail me if you need help on the events. I will be glad to help any one with problems. I was there once. It took me weeks to beat the 51 event matches
Good luck with your copy of Super smash brothers melee. I hope I have helped

I have found this site and it is super sweet. You can once you have downloaded the deck and the main client(program) you log on and you can play triple triad with a bunch of rules. Some are made up from the maker of this program. You can also play tetra master which is quadmist. There are different servers you play on. My favorite is pulsar. I will show where you can downlaod the deck and client.

The client where you click on it and then the server and then click connect or if you need to make a new account click that.

Here you have to download the deck and then install it then you can play
If you like final fantasy then you must try this. And tell them ssbm sent you from his site please.

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